Catholic Charities

The Mission of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Monterey is to provide specified human services to the poor and disadvantaged, to promote social justice, peace, human dignity, self-determination and self-sufficiency in accordance with the Gospel and Catholic Social Justice Teachings and to cooperate with other individuals and groups of goodwill to strengthen our communities.
Founded in 1984...
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Monterey, is a faith-based non-profit social service agency providing aid to individuals and families in the four central coast counties of Monterey, Santa Cruz, San Benito and San Luis Obispo.
We are motived by our mission to assist individuals and families of all backgrounds and beliefs providing them with tools, training and resources to help meet basic necessities for life. In addition, we provide information and referrals to social service agencies in each community we serve. Our three core areas of service are Mental Health Counseling, Immigration and Citizenship and Family Supportive Services. We serve over 20,000 individuals a year.