Natividad - Choice Program

The CHOICE team provides services for victims of gunshot wounds, stabbings and beatings for those aged 13-30. When a survivor of violence arrives at the Natividad Trauma Center, a CHOICE Intervention Specialist meets them at their bedside. They provide advocacy and the support needed for the patient and their family to heal from the trauma.
Our team addresses such issues as safety, mental health, and spiritual well-being, and provides connections to community resources. We do our best to mentor individuals toward positive influences through providing peer-based case management for 6-12 months after injury.
Violence affects individuals, families and the entire community. In most cases, after a violent injury, patients return to the same violent environment where they were injured, with no ‘prescription’ for how to stay safe. The overarching purpose of the CHOICE program is to reach survivors of violence while they are in the “teachable moment” following trauma, and guide them toward a safe and positive future. Our hope is to end the cycle of violence through intervening to prevent violent retaliation and re-injury.
For more information call (831) 772-7357 or email
Did you Know?
- Monterey County leads the state of California in youth homicide
- Homicide is the second leading cause of death across the nation for youth aged 10-24
- Research shows that up to 55% of patients violently injured will sustain another violent injury within five years. Of those patients that experience a subsequent violent injury, 20% will die as a result of their injury