Monterey County Rape Crisis Center

The Monterey County Rape Crisis Center (MCRCC) is a nonprofit agency whose mission is to provide ongoing advocacy, support and healing for all victims and survivors of sexual assault, human trafficking and child abuse; and to prevent sexual violence in our community through education. MCRCC operates a 24-hour crisis line; accompanies survivors to Sexual Assault Forensic Exams (SAFE), interviews with law enforcement, and court proceedings; and provides counseling and advocacy services.
MCRCC also works to prevent sexual assault, human trafficking, and child abuse. MCRCC facilitates Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) presentations to elementary school children in Monterey County. CAP presentations teach children about the four types of child abuse - neglect, physical abuse, emotional abuse, and sexual abuse - and what to do if they or someone they know is experiencing abuse. MCRCC also facilitates Rape Prevention Education (RPE) Clubs - My Life Clubs, for young women, and MyStrength, for young men - at six high schools throughout Monterey County.