Cheryl Camany

Cheryl Camany has served the communities of Monterey County for 30 years as an educator. She is currently the Homeless Liaison and manages the Family Resource Center of Salinas City Elementary School District that serves over 3,200 homeless students as well as their district’s foster youth. Additionally, she has committed herself to raising awareness about the plight of the homeless student population in Monterey County while also volunteering on several boards and commissions, including board member, YOSAL (Youth Orchestra Salinas-‐El Sistema/USA) board member, CommunityHomeless Solutions (formerly Shelter Outreach Plus), member of the Leadership Council for Lead Me Home-‐ Game Plan for Housing Homeless in Monterey and San Benito Counties, volunteer for the Monterey County Homeless Census, educator for the National Steinbeck Center Community Advisory Committee and Children’s workshop, Monterey County Ag Education Farm Day presenter, and many more.
Cheryl’s efforts were instrumental in accomplishing the Winter Warming Shelter in Salinas which is funded by the City of Salinas and Monterey County, and operated by Community Homeless Solutions. She is there on a regular basis ensuring that needed services are available for homeless individuals and families accessing the emergency shelter. She has assisted in reorganizing the system and bringing the Salinas interfaith community on board to provide dinner at the shelter seven days a week. Cheryl refers to the Salinas shelter members as family. She has in her work with families and as a volunteer helped hundreds of homeless parents and children one by one. Cheryl is an example of going above and beyond the call of duty to help youth, adults, and families in need.